KHARMS-FESTIVALS of experimental art in St Petersburg
Kharms-Festival 1 (1995)
Kharmsizdat Presents: exhibition Daniil Kharms and the Modern Russian Artist’s Book, with accompanying catalogue and anthology: «Kharmsizdat Presents: Investigations, Essay, Exhibition Catalogue». Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House, St Petersburg, 1995.

Kharms-Festival 2 (1996)
Kharmsizdat Presents: exhibition Soviet Eros. Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House, St Petersburg, 1996.

Kharms-Festival 3 (1997)
Kharmsizdat Presents: Soviet Eros. 1920s–30s. Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House, St Petersburg, 1997 (anthology). Under Soviet rule eroticism was a taboo subject. The semi-naked body of Homo sovieticus could be seen only at military parades, festivals of physical exercise, during heroic feats at the work front, and at sanatoria and resorts. Under Stalin sensuality of any kind had to have a class or ideological character; its only use was as an instrument of education, and unifying factor, for both workers and the main unit of socialist society—the family. This collection includes material on sensual culture (Soviet eros) in the theatre, in garden and park art, and in book illustrations, film, and literature.

Kharms-Festival 4 (1998)
Kharmsizdat Presents: The Avant-Garde Behaviour. 1910–20s. Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House, St Petersburg, 1998 (anthology).
A collection compiled on the basis of material used at Kharms-Festival 4 (academic conference, St Petersburg, 1998). Includes a reprint edition of A. Kruchenikh’s book of poetry LAKIROVANNOE TRIKO («Varnished Tricot», Tiflis, 1919), articles on the avant-garde behaviour of the Russian Futurists, and material on Daniil Kharms. This book represents the first attempt to study avant-garde behaviour as an independent form of art.

Kharms-Festival 5 (2005)
Kharmsizdat Presents: For the Voice! Russian Avant-Garde Book

Chudotvorets byl vysokogo rosta...
Daniil Kharms Anniversary in the Russian Museum . Photo, Video, Object, Installation, Book. The State Russian Museum, The Ludwig Museum in the Russian Museum, St Petersburg, 2005 (catalogue).
Krugom vozmozhno Harms
St Petersburg Museum of History, Museum of Peterburg Avant-Garde Matyushin House, St Petersburg, 2005 (catalogue).